March 29, 2019 Psalm 121
March 22 Service
Psalm 91
March 15, 2020
Total Redemption
March 8, 2020 Romans 8:1-17 By this will of God, we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all. -Hebrews 10:10
Spirit Walkers or Truth Suppressors?
February 23, 2020 Romans 8:1-17; Ezekiel 36:16-23 “Repent,” Peter said to them, “and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
The Flesh Walkers/Spirit Walkers
February 9, 2020 Romans 8:1-17
The Spirit’s End of the Task
February 2, 2020 Romans 7:14 – 8:8
We Don’t Know
January 26, 2020 Romans 7
Praying in the Spirit
January 19, 2020 Ephesians 6:18; Luke 10:38-40; Romans 8:26-27
The Guidance of Prayer
January 5, 2019