We will be having our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight service on the evening of Christmas Eve, Saturday December 24th, at 5:00 PM. Please join us in celebrating Christmas together.
Cookie Exchange Signup Deadline: 11/27
The deadline to sign up to participate in the December 3rd Cookie Exchange is this Sunday, November 27th.
Help Needed This Sunday (10/23)
Newville will need some help this Sunday setting up and cleaning up a luncheon for Bobby Barnett’s funeral service at Newville Church. Service time is 12:30 with a luncheon to follow. If you are able to help with setting up
Communion This Sunday (9/11/2016)
Please join us for communion and a brunch to follow on Sunday, September 11th. Please bring a main dish to share. Table service and beverages will be provided.
Church Picnic Pictures
We had a record turnout for our annual church picnic, capped off with our biggest bonfire ever! Thanks to everyone who helped make it a great evening! Here are some pictures highlighting the day, beginning with Nora, Rebecca, and Claire.
Church Picnic + Bonfire July 16th
It is time for the Church Picnic and Bonfire at Pastor Tim’s house! It will be on Saturday, July 16th at Black Locust Farm. The day will include: Games and swimming at 6:00 Eating at 7:00 Bonfire following the eating
National Day of Prayer Today
We encourage the Newville family to join this movement to heal our land. Please take some time today to approach the sovereign throne of our Lord and Master.
Reminder: Communion This Sunday April 24th with Brunch
A quick reminder that we will be having communion this Sunday April 24th with a brunch downstairs to follow. Please bring a main dish to share. Table service and beverages will be provided.
Communion and Brunch April 24th
Please join us for communion and a brunch to follow on Sunday, April 24th. Please bring a main dish to share. Table service and beverages will be provided.
Good Friday Passover Meal 6PM
Join us for our annual Passover Meal this Friday, March 25th, at 6:00 PM. Everything will be provided. RSVP to Pastor Tim or Nathan ([email protected]). Hope to see you there!