As work is continuing on the Possume Run Road bridge outside the church, access to the church is now not possible via Possum Run Road. All access to the church from the north must be gained by Bott Road to Swigart Road
Announcement: Item Collection for New Directions Abuse Shelter
Newville is collecting items to give to the New Directions abuse shelter. The collect box is in the vestibule with a detailed list of the items needed. Donations can be given on September 15th and the 22nd. All donations will
Bridge Construction [photo]
The view outside the church as the road gets realigned.
Brock Lawley Album Update
Hey guys, I promised to keep in touch throughout this project. I am happy to announce that last week I finished the first half of the recording process. I have split the project into two parts. The first part (EP) is
Newville Bon Fire (Photos and Video)
[video] You SIN – You DIE
Newville Spring
New Devotional Page – Sermon Sounds
Please take a moment to visit our new devotional page featuring short audio clips from Newville messages. This new page can be found under the “Ministry” tab on the top of the page. Click here: Sermon Sounds
[video] The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Hear
Video by Brock Lawley
[Sermon Sounds] Doubt to Hope to Certainty
Doubt to Hope to Certainty